Wild Blueberries & ADHD

Brain-Boosting Benefits of Wild Blueberries for Children

There is growing interest in the potential cognitive benefits of Wild Blueberries for children.

A study published in the European Journal of Nutrition found that consuming Wild Blueberries may significantly improve memory and attentional aspects of executive function in children aged between 7-10 years. The children showed quicker reaction times and better verbal memory performance after consuming a Wild Blueberry drink compared to a placebo.

Additionally, research on berry flavonoid supplementation in children suggests that such interventions can positively impact real-world activities, like reading. Reading is a complex skill that depends on various cognitive functions, which have been shown to improve with Wild Blueberry consumption.

In summary, the study indicates that a flavonoid-rich Wild Blueberry product equivalent to 1.5 cups of fresh Wild Blueberries may support acute cognitive benefits in children.

Since 1 teaspoon of Wild Blueberry Powder equates to 1/2 cup of fresh Wild Blueberries, a serving of 3 teaspoons of Wild Blueberry Powder would be the required equivalent to provide these potential cognitive benefits in children.

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